Skills Training and Technical Education for Employment Programme.

Project Date: May 01, 2014 to December 31 2017

Donor: Finn Church Aid

Country: Nepal

Project Description: Skills Training and Technical Education for Employment Program (STEP) Nepal project aims at imparting skills training to 600 youths belonging to the background of freed Haliya, Kamaiya and Kamlari. The project is now in the 2nd year of its implementation. The pilot phase of the project lasted from June 1 to December 31, 2014. The pilot phase of the project was completed acquiring the milestone achievements. The first ever-national seminar on TVET was conducted on July 4, 2014 in partnership among UCEP Nepal, Finn Church Aid, MDSI and CTEVT. 81 youths from the targeted communities were graduated in different seven trades with the provision of residential facility. 78% of them are placed in gainful jobs inside and outside Kathmandu valley. Some of them have even been able to secure jobs in the related trades in the golf countries.

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